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This is London

One of my latest projects is the illustrated map "This is London".

A lot of people refer to all me work as maps (which I don't mind at all as I have always loved maps and I always will ;-) but personally I do make a distinction between my birds eye view city drawings and proper maps such as "Our Wonderful Planet", "Jolly Britain" and as a new addition "This is London".

The cityscape drawings are very detailed, quite accurate and yet playfully distorted interpretations of reality whereas a map I understand as a simplified representation of a specific area.

For "This is London" I focussed on London's main landmarks and icons including the world's arguably most famous zebra crossing in Northwest London with four prominent pedestrians crossing the street....

This is London, graphic line style

This is London, vintage style

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Some work in progress snapshots:

Layout sketch

St Paul's Cathedral, volumes sketch

St Paul's Cathedral, detailed felt pen sketch

Tate Modern and the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, detailed felt pen sketch

The Tower Bridge, detailed felt pen sketch

A happy but tired artist ;-)

and the result of his work as an art print :-)

The product range with the artwork in our gallery shop at Greenwich:

the collection in graphic line style

100 piece jigsaw puzzle

the collection in vintage style

tea towels

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